
Business and First Class Travel

Preferred rates on first class and business class airline tickets for domestic and international travel.  Clients can use existing points to pay.  No long term contracts required.  Save on airline fares by booking directly with the Elite Travel Agency.  


Hotels and Vacation Rentals

Our vast network of luxury hotel and premium vacation rentals has something for everyone.  Let us know destinations of interest or type of trip you are looking to plan and we will locate and provide options to book your stay!


Elite Travel Concierge

Private Jet Charters- Beyond airline travel, our services include on demand jet chartering options for group travel on private jets.  Powered by ETA Jets www.flyetajets.com 

Exotic Car Rentals- Daily and long term rates on premium car rentals. 

Additional Services- Cruise tickets and private yacht charters, helicopters, security detail, and other VIP Experience packages.